Better unavailable than unsalvageable

Cell phone at the wheel
Better unavailable than unsalvageable
Distracted while driving
This is the motto of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport's "Slow down" initiative. Whether it's talking on a cell phone, reading the news or checking the weather while driving: it's forbidden, it's life-threatening and yet it's commonplace.
KPB Soest

Life is becoming increasingly fast-paced, everyday life demands that we are increasingly able to multitask - but not on the road! No message is so important that it needs to be answered immediately. Flight mode while driving can save lives.

Flight mode instead of driving blind

Just one second of distraction can lead to a risky blind drive.

1 second of distraction... 
... at 50 km/h = 14 meters of blind driving
... at 100 km/h = 28 meters of blind driving
... at 130 km/h = 36 meters of blind driving

For more safety in traffic, we carry out targeted and regular checks.
Picking up a cell phone while driving can result in the following fines:

Unlawful use of electronic devices Fine in € Points Driving ban in months
When driving a motor vehicle 100 1  
with endangering 150 2 1
with damage to property 200 2 1
when Cycling 55    


For more information, see here.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110