Weapons law

Weapons ready for destruction
Weapons law
If you handle or want to handle firearms, different permits are required in accordance with the Weapons Act.
KPB Soest, Daniela Holuscha
On-site checks on the safe storage of firearms

The Soest district police authority carries out on-site inspections of firearms storage obligations on the basis of new decree requirements. The checks are spot checks and generally unannounced.

The gun owners to be checked are selected at random from all requirement groups (sport shooters, hunters, heirs, etc.).

The weapons authority is supported in this by the district services of the police stations.

NWR IDs | Master data sheet

What is an NWR ID - and what is it needed for?

The National Weapons Register (NWR) stores data on weapons owners, permits and weapons (parts). Each data record is assigned an individual identification number (NWR ID).

Since September 2020, the arms trade has been directly connected to the NWR - and requires the NWR IDs of the person, the permit and the weapon/weapon part for every purchase, sale and repair of weapons.

How do I get my NWR IDs?

We will provide you with the NWR IDs for your weapons in the form of a master data sheet (overview of existing permits). For new gun ownership cards or newly registered weapons, the NWR IDs are printed directly on the gun ownership card so that the master data sheet does NOT need to be updated.

We will send you the master data sheet once the next time you contact us, e.g. when you send us a gun ownership card after registering a weapon, or when you request it:

Notify us informally - by email to Waffenrecht.Soest [at] polizei.nrw.de - that you require your master data sheet / your NWR IDs. The master data sheet will then be sent to you by post.

We will respond to your request as soon as possible. Nevertheless: If the master data sheet is needed very urgently, please let us know accordingly!

Amendment to the Weapons Act as of 01.09.2020 | "large magazines"

Prohibitions on large interchangeable magazines:

  • Exchangeable magazines for handguns for centerfire ammunition that can hold more than 20 cartridges of the smallest caliber that can be used as intended,
  • exchangeable magazines for long guns for centerfire ammunition that can hold more than 10 cartridges of the smallest caliber that can be used as intended and
  • magazine cases for such exchangeable magazines

are now prohibited accessories for firearms. Handling is punishable by law.


This does not apply to blocked or limited magazines (for 10 or 20 cartridges), provided the blocking or limitation cannot be removed without causing damage. Otherwise, magazine limiters do not change the nature of the ban.

The ban does not come into effect under the following conditions:

  • independent destruction by 01.09.2021.
  • Acquisition before 13.06.2017:

Until 01.09.2021, a notification of possession can be submitted to the weapons authority or the magazine can be handed over to an authorized person or the police or weapons authority. Please use the form "Magazines - Notice of possession".

  • Acquisition from 13.06.2017, but before 20.02.2020:

Until 01.09.2021, the magazine can be transferred to an authorized person or the police or weapons authority or an application for an exemption permit can be submitted to the Federal Criminal Police Office.


Regulations prohibiting firearms with large built-in magazines:

  • semi-automatic handguns for centerfire ammunition that have a built-in magazine with a capacity of more than 20 cartridges of the smallest caliber that can be used as intended, as well as
  • semi-automatic long guns for centerfire ammunition that have a built-in magazine with a capacity of more than 10 cartridges of the smallest caliber that can be used as intended,

are now prohibited firearms. Handling is punishable by law.

The ban will not take effect under the following conditions:

  • legal acquisition and possession before 13.06.2017.
  • legal acquisition and possession from 13.06.2017 but before 01.09.2021:

Until 01.09.2021, the weapon can be transferred to an authorized person or to the police or weapons authority or an application for an exemption permit can be submitted to the Federal Criminal Police Office.

Amendment to the Weapons Act as of 01.09.2020 | Casing and bolt carrier are essential parts of firearms

Cases (system cases) have been essential parts of firearms since 01.09.2020 and are therefore subject to licensing and registration. Additional housings that were not subject to firearms legislation at the time must be registered retrospectively.

Housings that were installed in complete weapons before 01.09.2020 and registered as such in the gun ownership card are not subsequently recorded - so nothing needs to be done in this case!

In the case of modular weapons (such as the Blaser R 93 or Sauer 404), only the essential parts (at the time), i.e. usually the barrel and the bolt (head), were entered in the gun ownership card due to the requirements at the time when a complete weapon was purchased. In these cases, the receiver must also be registered retrospectively. Please use the purchase notification form for this purpose.

Issue of hunting license

Due to a cyber attack on the IT service provider Südwestfalen-IT, the website of the district of Soest is currently only accessible to a limited extent. In addition, there may be delays in processing due to the necessary "workaround solutions".


For this reason, the application forms for hunting and explosives permits are temporarily made available to you here - especially as these district tasks are processed together with weapons law matters (task of the police) in a specialist area on the premises of the Soest district police authority.

You will find the following documents on the right-hand side:
Application form for a hunting license
Application for a clearance certificate
Application for § 27 SprengG 

Relocation of the task of issuing hunting licenses as of 01.01.2024

From 01.01.2024, the processing of all matters relating to hunting licenses will be relocated within the Soest district administration. Hunting and explosives licenses (tasks of the district) and firearms licenses (task of the police) will then be processed in one specialist area on the premises of the Soest district police authority. You can find more information on this here... (link to Info Jagdscheine.pdf)

The application procedure itself remains unchanged, so it is still not necessary to appear in person as a rule. Due to legal changes to the scope of the background check, this may take longer than usual, as in previous years. It is therefore advisable to submit applications in good time and not at the last minute.




Kreis Soest
Abt. 31 / Direktion Zentrale Aufgaben
Jagdrechtliche Erlaubnisse
Walburger-Osthofen-Wallstr. 2
59594 Soest
E- Mail: Jagdscheine [at] Kreis-Soest.de (Jagdscheine[at]Kreis-Soest[dot]de)


Contact person for general questions regarding the issue of hunting licenses:

Christopher Raschkowski, Tel.: 02921 9100 1124


Up-to-date information can be found on the Soest district website:

www.kreis-soest.de under "Environment and Tourism" and "Hunting and Fishing".

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110