Burglars don't care about such thoughts. Virtually anyone can become a victim of burglary. Every year there are burglaries from houses or apartments. In 2021, 180 domestic burglaries were reported to the police in the district of Soest alone.
Victims of these crimes are often more affected psychologically than financially. "Strangers have rummaged through my closet. They held my underwear in their hands and invaded my privacy." This thought torments some people for years. A feeling of helplessness sets in and the desire to secure one's home is, in contrast to before the crime, enormous. Houses are often brought up to the latest security standards afterwards. But the unease of those affected is still there. Often, good locks or alarm systems cannot eliminate a bad feeling or even the fear of another break-in.
2015 saw a significant increase in burglaries across the country. Burglars are always out and about more during the darker months of the year. Don't let yourself become a victim of burglars in the first place. Follow the advice of the criminal investigation department and make it difficult for thieves. Put a stop to it! Safe is safer!
The police victim protection officers naturally also offer their advice and referrals to experts in existing networks in the event of psychological stress caused by a burglary.